Congratulations to the recipients of the 2024-2025 funding competition. This year the Trust awarded over $41,000 in scholarships, bursaries and research awards.
Registered nurses and nurse practitioners, through their contributions to the Trust, ease the financial burden of nursing students enrolled in basic education, and their nursing colleagues who are pursuing professional development and continuing education. Thanks to the continued support of RNs, NPs and some generous donors, the Trust is able to provide funding opportunities that foster nursing knowledge.
Spring Funding Competition
The Spring Competition for Continuing Education Bursaries is now accepting applications for continuing education activities between January 1 and June 30, 2025. The application deadline is April 15th.
Special Funding Competition
The Special Competition for the scholarships/bursaries that were not awarded during the regular 2024-25 funding competition is now accepting applications. The application deadline is February 15th.
Call for Committee Volunteers
We are seeking CRNNL members to join the Awards Committee and Research Awards Committee. Members of these committees are responsible to review applications and make funding decisions. For more information about the committee, or to volunteer please contact Julie Wells at
Annual General Meeting 2024
The Trust Annual General Meeting was held on Friday, September 20th at 0930-1030hrs. Please see the Annual Meeting 2024 page for details.
Canadian Nurses Foundation
The Canadian Nurses Foundation (CNF) has a variety of scholarships available for nurses and nursing students in various levels of practice including baccalaureate programs, masters, nurse practitioner, doctoral, and awards dedicated to internationally educated nurses, and indigenous nurses. Click Here for more information or to apply.