Awards Committees

The Trust has two standing committees - the Awards Committee and the Research Awards Committee. Each committee consists of volunteer members of CRNNL who:

  • review applications for Trust scholarships, bursaries and nursing research awards and select successful candidates as per the established criteria,
  • review and recommend revisions to criteria for awards as necessary with major revisions submitted to the Board of Directors for approval, and
  • carry out other duties related to award administration as may be assigned from time to time.

Members are appointed to the committees for three-year terms and are eligible to serve three consecutive terms of office. The Trust Coordinator serves as the secretary to the committees.

Members of the Awards Committee can apply for continuing education bursaries but are not eligible for academic scholarships.

Members of the Research Awards Committee are eligible to apply for nursing research awards but cannot participate in the application review for that competition.

Awards Committee 2024-25

Valerie Goulding
Penny Grant
Lisa Jesso
Ashley Joyce
Bernadine O'Leary
Lisa Picco
Julie Wells, Secretary (non-voting)

Research Awards Committee 2024-25

Wanda Emberley-Burke
Sue Ann Mandville-Anstey
Peggy Rauman
Judith Strickland
Julie Wells, Secretary (non-voting)