The Newfoundland and Labrador Gerontological Nurses Association (NLGNA) promotes high standards of gerontological nursing practice, and promotes educational programs and the dissemination of gerontological research. The NLGNA will award one bursary annually to assist a Registered Nurse(s) to pursue studies that will enhance clinical practice in gerontological nursing (e.g., CNA Certification, post-basic nursing course, BN or Graduate studies in Nursing).
Value: $500
Application Deadline: April 15th (Spring Competition), October 15th (Fall Competition)
If you are providing a reference for an applicant, please review the Reference Requirements Document prior to starting the reference form.
References must be submitted using the NL Gerontological Nurses Association Bursary Reference Form.
Letters of reference will not be accepted.
References must be submitted by the application deadline in order to be considered.
Have Questions?
Please see the Tips & FAQs page for answers to frequently asked questions and advice on completing your application. If the information you require is not listed there, please use the Online Contact Form to send us your question.